United Nations General Assembly High-Level Meeting on Ending AIDS


Fast-Track cities: ending the AIDS epidemic (side event)

More than 30 cities playing a leading role in the AIDS response meet to discuss on-going strategies and innovations in their cities that are improving health and development .


Press conference of the new UNAIDS Goodwill Ambassador

Fast-Track cities: leveraging innovations and financing for ending AIDS (side event)

The session aims to explore the key challenges in city responses and focus on new technology and innovations in the areas of information technology, mobile and data apps, developments in science, pharmaceutical and diagnostics, as well as financial innovations.

Innovations marketplace (side event)

The marketplace will bring together a range of innovators who are working in the areas of health and HIV. The event will provide an opportunity to discuss new approaches and partnerships for ending AIDS.

HIV and security: past, present and future (side event)

The event is focused on achieving the Fast-Track Targets as well as gender-based violence prevention in humanitarian emergencies and conflict situations.

The end of AIDS as a global health threat: science-based or science fiction? (side event)

The event provides an opportunity to present the cutting edge science in the context of other research perspectives that will take us to the end of AIDS and advocate for continued investment in the global scientific endeavour.

Parliamentarians for ending AIDS by 2030 (side event)

This side event aims to provide legislators with a clear sense of the main lines of action that will emerge from the outcome document of the High-Level Meeting.

Youth pre-meeting (side event)

This event will provide the necessary information to young people to participate actively during the High-Level Meeting and to identify opportunities for engagement and advocacy.

Stopping new Infections: a quarter for prevention (side event)

Despite a significant progress more than 2 million new HIV infections still occur annually. Everyone has a right to HIV prevention. Fulfilling that right begins with providing people who are at increased risk of HIV infection with access to effective, unhindered HIV prevention services.

Action on extreme poverty and inequality to end AIDS: Addressing HIV, Poverty, and Inequality in Urban Settings (side event)

This side event is focused on the role and potential of intersectoral programming and rights-based responses to support the Fast Track Cities initiative.

Elimination of mother-to-child transmission of HIV and syphilis: Celebrating country success (side event)

In 2015, Cuba was validated as having eliminated mother to child transmission of HIV and syphilis. The Global Validation Advisory Committee has recently met to consider validation of elimination in a number of other countries. This special session will announce the outcome of the GVAC deliberations and celebrate country success in reaching this impressive milestone.

Financing vulnerabilities (side event)

The panel will explore social and economic risks of those who are most vulnerable and call for new commitments and innovations to meet their needs.

Interfaith service (side event)

The World Council of Churches Ecumenical Advocacy Alliance Interfaith Service is an opportunity to gather in prayer to remember those we know who have died of AIDS-related illnesses; to reflect on our role as faith-based organizations and faith leaders in calling for and then implementing a strong Political Declaration on Ending AIDS.

Launch of MTV Shuga Series 5 (side event)

MTV Shuga, produced by the MTV Staying Alive Foundation, is a 360-degree transmedia behaviour change campaign. The event will present the results of the World Bank study which shows the positive impact that MTV Shuga has had to date in messaging and behaviour change for young people.


OPENING. UN General Assembly Plenary: The roadmap to ending AIDS

Mogens Lykketoft, President of the General Assembly

Ban Ki-moon, UN Secretary-General

Michel Sidibé, Executive Director, UNAIDS

Loyce Maturu, nominated by HLM Stakeholder Task Force

Ndaba Mandela, Grandson of Nelson Mandela and activist, an eminent person actively engaged in the response to HIV/AIDS

Speech of the a.i.of the minister of Health of Ukraine Victor Shafransky

UN General Assembly Plenary: AIDS within the Sustainable Development Goals: leveraging the end of AIDS for social transformation and sustainable development

The panel will discuss how to best leverage synergies and lessons learned from the AIDS response that can help to accelerate progress across the Sustainable Development Goals.

UN General Assembly Plenary: Financing and sustaining the end of AIDS: the window of opportunit

This panel will explore how to front-load investments both in high-burden countries and low-prevalence countries, in line with the principles of shared responsibility and global solidarity.

Ending Tuberculosis deaths among people living with HIV: Time for Action (side event)

The overall aim of the side-event is to catalyse and intensify efforts in the response to end TB deaths among people living with HIV through firm political commitment, strong country ownership and adequate investments.

Delivering an AIDS-free generation (side event)

The event will highlight the achievements of the Global Plan towards the elimination of new HIV infections among children by 2015 and keeping their mothers alive to date and priority actions to Fast-Track this remarkable response.

Ensuring a sustainable HIV response in Middle Income Countries; building partnerships for responsible transitions. (side event)

This side event will be a key opportunity to discuss, challenges, lessons learnt and opportunities for sustainable transition in MICs to ensure an effective HIV response and leave no one behind.

ASEAN Experience of Cities/Areas in Getting to Zeros (side event)

The side event on Association of Southeast Asian Nations region (ASEAN) Cities will provide a platform to discuss progress and replication of effective models.

The side event on Association of Southeast Asian Nations region (ASEAN) Cities will provide a platform to discuss progress and replication of effective models.

This event will focus on the importance of community in a broader and holistic response to HIV/AIDS and on new ideas, tools and approaches to strategically address the burden of HIV and related diseases that are faced by marginalized groups and key populations, including women and girls.

Breaking the silos: integrated services for adolescent girls and young women (side event)

The session will showcase examples of ground-breaking adolescent-centred policies and programmes and establish commitment and action to mobilize stakeholders and resources at the local, national and international levels for adolescent-centred responses, particularly among adolescent girls.


UN General Assembly Plenary: Getting ahead of the looming treatment crisis: an action agenda for getting to 90–90–90

The panel will focus on efforts to get to 90–90–90 and ensuring access to quality and affordable medicines and commodities, including through the use of TRIPS flexibilities.

The panel will focus on efforts to get to 90–90–90 and ensuring access to quality and affordable medicines and commodities, including through the use of TRIPS flexibilities.

This panel will explore the opportunity offered by the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development to realize the vision and commitments to advance the principles of equality and inclusion and achieve the health targets for people living with, affected by and at risk of HIV.

New ways to engage youth to reach UNAIDS Fast-Track Targets through Edutainment (side event)

Through this side event, participants will learn about the impact of mass communication campaigns, discuss the role of mass media in reaching UNAIDS Fast-Track Targets, and hear from the Director of Corporate Social Responsibility at Globo on his distinct perspective on writing and producing this popular series.

A Fast-Track approach to the HIV response among people who use drugs: Leadership to End AIDS (side event)

People who inject drugs and transgender people represent the key populations at risk to HIV and hepatitis infection. The global burden is unequally shared between countries with and without sufficient coverage of harm reduction services.

Ending AIDS is only possible by investing in and meaningfully engaging young people (side event)

This meeting aims to ‘bridge the dialogue gap’ between donors, governments, key stakeholders, representatives of networks of young people living with or affected by HIV.

This meeting aims to ‘bridge the dialogue gap’ between donors, governments, key stakeholders, representatives of networks of young people living with or affected by HIV.

The event will promote understanding of the connections between and benefits of linking HIV and SRHR responses; demonstrate how national governments are successfully integrating HIV and SRHR services; and advocate for intensified commitment.

Voluntary patent pooling (side event)

Over the past five years, the Medicines Patent Pool has contributed to the rapid HIV treatment scale-up by accelerating access to affordable HIV treatments in a large number of developing countries. The event will successes to date and remaining challenges to ensure that new treatments are taken up in-country, contributing to scale-up and improving treatment outcomes.

“Treat All": From Policy to Action - What will it take? (side event)

In 2015 WHO launched new recommendations on the use of antiretroviral drugs for treating and preventing HIV infection. This event aims to explore how best to rapidly expand and adapt treatment to reach all people living with HIV and to learn from the experiences of countries that are already committed to do so.

The 90-90-90 goal and human resources for health (side event)

This session focused on leveraging the global push to achieve the 90-90-90 targets. It will also reflect the discussions from the Addis ministerial meeting and aim to articulate next steps and ways forward.

Efficient and Effective Responses to AIDS: the Role of (New) Donors, CSOs and Partners for Sustainable Treatment (side event)

The main topics of this event include effectiveness and efficiency in the interventions to address AIDS; multi-stakeholder partnerships and mobilizing new and innovative local resources.

Youth Town Hall Meeting (side event)

Young people is the focus of comments by the Executive Director of UNFPA and the Executive Director of UNAIDS including an examination of the role of youth in Fast Track to End AIDS.

Scaling Local Pharmaceutical Production to End AIDS by 2030 (side event)

This side-event to explore new opportunities to address challenges and accelerate Africa’s progress in local pharmaceutical production of affordable and quality-assured ARVs and other health commodities.

Addressing global health emergencies: lessons from AIDS to Ebola, Zika, and other emerging epidemics (side event)

The event is focused on lessons learned from recent outbreaks of Ebola and Zika and how these can contribute to strengthening health systems and community responses, as well as long term sustainable investments in services and research.


UN General Assembly Plenary: Children, adolescent girls and young women: preventing new HIV infections

The panel is addressing the needs of children, adolescent girls and young women in ending the AIDS epidemic.

What women want (side event)

The event aims to articulate the visions and priorities of women and girls and support women’s civil society.

Science Addressing Drugs & HIV: State of the Art (side event)

Lead scientists will present the latest scientific developments in HIV prevention, treatment, and care for people who use drugs.

Increasing Access to Treatment to Achieve Sustainable Development Goal 3 (side event)

The side event examines the how the lessons learnt from increasing access to HIV treatment, can be applied to improve the health and wellbeing of all people as envisaged by SDG 3.

Round table on the HIV and TB epidemics in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Open discussion on accelerating the AIDS response in Eastern Europe and Central Asia chaired by Michel Kazatchkine, UN Secretary General Special Envoy on HIV/AIDS.

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