World AIDS Day 2016 in Ukraine is observed on 1 December

This year’s World AIDS Day theme is “Hands up for HIV prevention!” and aims to emphasize the different aspects of HIV prevention


Кожен тиждень кампанії, присвячений одному з напрямків профілактики ВІЛ:


Calendar of the World AIDS Day 2016 campaign in Ukraine


Harm Reduction Week

People who inject drugs have limited access to HIV prevention, care and treatment because their drug use is often stigmatized and criminalized. People who inject drugs are 24 times more likely to acquire HIV than adults in general population. Needle–syringe programmes reduce the spread of HIV, hepatitis C and other blood borne viruses. Opioid substitution therapy and other evidence-informed forms of drug dependence treatment curb drug use, reduce vulnerability to infectious diseases, and improve uptake of health and social services.

All-Ukrainian Network of people, living with HIV is supporting Harm Reduction Week of the WAD2016 campaign Hands Up for HIV Prevention


Week of Empowerment of young women and girls

UNDP in Ukraine is calling to support the WAD 2016 campaign “Hands up for HIV prevention" to increase access of women and girls to information and treatment!

Women and girls make up more than half of all people living with HIV in the world. Unequal legal, social and economic status in society are limiting women’s choices, opportunities, access to information, health care, social services, education and employment. Stigma and discrimination, together with unjust laws and cultural practices, further exacerbate women's vulnerability to HIV and negate efforts to overcome the epidemic.

UNFPA in Ukraine supports the week of the WAD 2016 campaign Hands up for HIV Prevention devoted to gender equality. "We once again stress that the empowerment of women and girls is an important prerequisite for Ending AIDS and encourage all partners to join us.”

NGO Labour and Health Social Initiatives (LHSI). Women’s empowerment is a key to HIV prevention. We can end AIDS by overcoming gender inequalities. We are supporting the World AIDS Day campaign and raising our Hands Up for HIV prevention!


Week devoted to testing and viral suppression

UNAIDS in Ukraine together with key populations initiative group, AIDS Fons Netherland, and AFEW is supporting the HIV testing week of WAD 2016 campaign Hands Up for HIV Prevention.


National Launch of the UNAIDS Global WAD Report Get on the Fast-Track: the life-cycle approach to HIV.

On the eve of World AIDS Day, UNAIDS launched the report Get on the Fast-Track: the life-cycle approach to HIV.

The report used an innovative approach to data analysis that shows how the risks of HIV infection, the challenges of accessing services and the solutions to these challenges change at different stage of life. It is stressed on the fact that young women (15-24 years) are facing a triple threat: high risk of HIV infection, low HIV testing rate, and poor adherence to treatment.

National Launch of the report took place during the closing session of the Third National AIDS Conference. The Report presentation was delivered jointly by the professor Martin Donahue, WHO and Jacek Tyszko UNAIDS Ukraine.


Joint press-conference devoted to the WAD 2016, information campaign “To Believe or Not”, and free voluntary and anonymous testing campaign on HIV, viral hepatitis В and С and syphilis in AUCHAN took place in the UNIAN press-centre. Dr. Uliana Suprun, MD, a. i. Minister of Health of Ukraine, Mr. Nicolas Hempel, Deputy Country Director, Head of the Project “HIV/AIDS Advisory Services and Institutional Capacity Building”, GIZ Ukraine, Mr. Jacek Tyszko, UNAIDS Country Director for Ukraine and ‎Daniela Bergelt, Head of Cooperation at Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Kyiv took part in the press-conference.


Pavlo Rozenko, Vice Prime Minister of Ukraine, supported the joint MOH-GIZ-UNAIDS information and HIV testing campaign "To Believe or Not".


Within the joint MOH-GIZ-UNAIDS information and HIV testing campaign “To Believe or Not” free voluntary anonymous counseling and testing for HIV, viral hepatitis B and C and syphilis was organized in ten AUCHAN hypermarkets in Kyiv, Krivoy Rog, Zaporozhye, Odessa and Lviv.

Acting Minister of Health of Ukraine Ulyana Suprun personally visited AUCHAN in Kyiv city to support the campaign and passed HIV test to encourage people to know their HIV status.

UN system in Ukraine fully supported and got involved into WAD 2016 in Ukraine. Colleagues from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees in Ukraine visited AUCHAN to support HIV testing campaign.

During the testing campaign in AUCHANs hypermarkets 3,006 people were tested. The testing revealed 32 HIV positive results, 15 cases of hepatitis B, 83 cases of hepatitis C, and 24 syphilis cases.

The HIV testing campaign also was supported by adolescents and youth association "Teenergizer"


Joint AHF, Kyiv City Administration, Centre for Public Health at the MOH Ukraine and UNAIDS press conference was organized on the occasion of the opening HIV testing site CHECKPOINT.KIEV. This new HIV testing site was established in framework of the Kyiv Fast Track Cities Initiative and commitment to achieve UNAIDS 90 90 90 strategic targets as stated in Paris Declaration, signed by the Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko in April 2016.


During the press conference in occasion of the WAD 2016, Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitschko launched the pilot project of electronic health care system management, to start in January 2017 in the Podil district. "With the assistance of international organizations, leading experts and investors we are looking for the best practices of health system management to implement them here in Kyiv”, said the Mayor. UNAIDS Country Director Jacek Tyszko noted that the introduction of the new health system management, including improvement and decentralization of the HIV services, will contribute to achievement of UNAIDS strategic targets 90 90 90 to End AIDS in Kyiv city.


Презентація пілотного проекту з розвитку медицини у Подільському районі Києва.


December 1 - World AIDS Day

The WAD 2016 press conference of the All-Ukrainian Network of People Living with HIV and partners of the national AIDS response was traditionally held near the RED RIBBON memorial. It was the first full of optimism World AIDS Day in Ukraine, because next year 101,000 people, living with HIV will be receiving treatment as a result of increased state budget allocation for ARVs. Currently about 66,000 people living with HIV are on ART. That is why advocacy event was titled "Subscription for life."

The Alliance for Public Health together with its partners organized event devoted to the WAD 2016 in Shevchenko Park in front of the National State University in form of edutainment MUSIC FEST – TAKE A TEST. The main theme of the event was HIV testing. The participants, mostly students, were able to get single-use rapid tests accompanied with pre-test counseling and information leaflets for self-testing.
For the WAD 2016 Alliance for Public Health also initiated a flash mob #PutRedRibbonOn
Trade Union of railway workers and transport constructors from Kyiv, Kharkiv, Dnipro, Krivyi Rig, Uzhhorod, Poltava and other cities joined the WAD 2016. With the support of the Alliance of Public Health 66,000 condoms and large number information materials were disseminated among workers of these sectors.
On the World AIDS Day, administrators and staff of the service centers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine across the country have been warren red ribbons at their work places.
Keep the promise – End AIDS in Ukraine – this 17 thousand sq. meters message was screened on the facade of Gulliver shopping center in Kyiv on 1 December on the initiative of the AHF.

Hands Up for HIV Prevention campaign for the World AIDS Day 2016 in Ukraine was supported by the government, UN and civil society partners.

United Nations Population Fund in Ukraine

International Labour Organization

United Nations Development Programme

United Nations Development Programme

International Charitable Foundation “AIDS Foundation East-West” (AFEW-Ukraine)

Labour and Health Social Initiatives (LHSI-Ukraine)

NGO 100% OF LIFE KYIV (Kyiv Network of People, living with HIV)

Public Health Centre of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine

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